Getting to Know Me!

Hello and welcome to my children's literature blog! Throughout the rest of the year, I will be reading 50 children's books and then giving my summary and evaluation of each book on here. I hope this gives ideas to anyone reading, or even just for myself to look back upon in the future as I am in the classroom. On that note, my aim is to be in a school with my own classroom around this time next year! My degree will be in 4-8 Mathematics, but I believe reading is valuable no matter what subject is being taught. I hope to be able to incorporate books that I read now in my classroom whether it be just a funny story, a meaningful story, or an educational one. I would also love to have a small bookshelf in class that is accessible for my students at any time. That's all for now... Next post will be my first review! 


  1. These are some great ideas for using children's books in your classroom. And, yes, reading is valuable in math class, also!


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