Poems for the Very Young selected by Michael Rosen

illustrated by Bob Graham 


Poems for the Very Young: Michael Rosen, Bob Graham: 9781856979085:  Amazon.com: Books

For this collection of poems, I didn’t find any common themes that encompassed the topics they covered. There was at least 100 short poems in this collection that were all for the purpose of entertaining the audience. The illustrations seem to be what brings the selected poems together because on each page, there were multiple poems that coordinate with only one or two larger illustrations. The poems are written by many different authors, some even being anonymous. As the title suggests, I think these poems would be suiting for preschool aged children. They would be fun to read at circle time or as students are having lunch or transitioning to something new. I personally don’t see myself using this book simply because I will not be teaching this young of students, but I think it would be perfect for a preschool classroom. 


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