Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10 by Judy Finchler

illustrated by Kevin O'Malley 

No major awards 

Realistic Fiction 

Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10: Finchler, Judy, Finchler, Judy:  9780802774989: Amazon.com: Books

This story perfectly describes students’ misconceptions about their teachers when they are young. A young boy believes his teacher, Miss Malarkey, lives at school along with all the other teachers. To his surprise, Miss Malarkey moves into the same apartment building as him. The young boy learns a lot about Miss Malarkey and tells his friends, to their surprise as well, that Miss Malarkey doesn’t live at school. In the end, the boy is happy Miss Malarkey lives close to him because he won’t see much of her once he goes to the next grade, but he now thinks his next teacher probably lives in room 12. 

I think this story would be best for students in Kindergarten or first grade. I think it could be a humorous way to allow students to see their teachers as people outside of the classroom, something that is often confusing for students new to school. I probably would not use this book because of the age level. 


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